Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Double-Decker Snicker-doodle Cookies!

These cookies are a favorite of my best friend. He loves anything thing with cinnamon. Not only are these cookies tasty, but we're still in winter and the cinnamon gives you that warm holiday feel.
So, the easiest and cheapest (under $3.00) way to makes these is just buy the Pillsbury cookie-mix.
The Prepackaged mix comes with a packet of cinnamon-sugar to roll the dough balls in, but I personally like to add this into my batter and make my own cinnamon-sugar. It gives the cookies a richer flavor.

To make your own cinnimon sugar,m simple add a a few heaping spoonfuls of sugar and add some cinnamon. The ratio us completely up to you and taste.

Once you've made the sough, take a heaping spoonful and roll it into a ball. Then roll that ball into the cinnamon sugar.

Line your baking sheet with some aluminum foil, that way there is not clean-up. Also, no need to grease the pan. The is a lot of butter in these, so they won't stick.

Bake until they come slightly golden brown on the edges.

After you cookies have cooled throughly, take a pastry bag and go around the perimeter of the cooking, creating a dollop in the middle. I like to use a large star tip because I think it look nice. But, you don't have to use tips or a pasty bag, the back of a spoon works just as well.

Then place another snicker-doodle on top of the iced cookie and there you have it, a Double-Decker Snicker-Doodle! So easy and fun! 


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